All functions |
Perform a BLAST+ search |
Perform a BLAST+ best hit search |
Perform a BLAST+ reciprocal best hit (RBH) search |
Translate CDS file to Amino Acids file |
Check whether an annotation file contains outlier lines |
Delete the internal folder hierarchy |
Compute a Codon Alignment |
Compute dNdS Values For A Given Pairwise Alignment |
Compute dNdS values for two organisms |
Perform a DIAMOND2 search |
Perform a DIAMOND2 best hit search |
Perform a DIAMOND2 reciprocal best hit (RBH) search |
Sort dNdS Values Into Divergence Strata |
Perform Divergence Stratigraphy |
Helper function to extract gene loci and splice variant IDs from GFF files |
Helper function to select best BLAST hit based on minimum evalue |
Helper function to extract a core set of orthologous gene loci |
Helper function to extract a core set of orthologous lncRNAs |
Filter dNdS values |
Generate ortholog tables by gene locus and splice varaint |
Generate ortholog tables by gene locus and splice varaint for a set of species |
Importing output pairwise orthologs tables generated with |
Retrieve a core set of orthologous lncRNAs from the pairwise lncRNA orthologs map |
Count number of orthologous lncRNAs per pairwise species comparison |
Generate dNdS Maps Between a Query Organism and Multiple Subject Organisms |
Infer orthologous lncRNAs between multiple species |
Compute Multiple Sequence Alignments |
Interface function to Orthofinder2 |
Retrieve core orthologs across multiple species from Orthofinder2 output |
Main Orthology Inference Function |
Orthology Inference of lncRNAs |
Compute Pairwise Alignments |
Diverse line plots visualizing the number of pairwise orthologs within a ortho table generated with |
Diverse line plots visualizing the number of core orthologs within a ortho table generated with |
A line plot visualizing the number of pairwise orthologs within a ortho table generated with |
Estimate the DNA distance between promotor sequences |
Compute promotor sequence divergence of orthologous genes |
Read the CDS of a given organism |
Import a dNdS table generated with |
Read the genome of a given organism |
Read the proteome of a given organism |
Retrieve a core set of orthologous gene loci from several pairwise ortholog tables |
Retrieve the longest isoforms from a proteome file and save results as fasta file |
Retrieve the longest isoforms of several proteome files stored in a folder |
Select orthologs based on either gene locus or splice variant |
Create a BLASTable database with makeblastdb |
Create a DIAMONDable database with |
Internal function for dNdS computations |
Helper function for |
Helper function for splice variant based |
Translate DNA to Amino Acids |
Translate coding sequences into amino acid sequences |
Translate coding sequences into amino acid sequences for multiple files |
Save a proteome in fasta format |