This function performs a BLAST+ search of a given set of sequences against a given database.

  seq_type = "cds",
  format = "fasta",
  blast_algorithm = "blastp",
  eval = "1E-5", = 10000,
  delete_corrupt_cds = TRUE,
  remote = FALSE,
  db = NULL,
  path = NULL,
  comp_cores = 1,
  blast_params = NULL,
  clean_folders = FALSE,
  save.output = NULL



a character string specifying the path to the CDS file of interest (query organism).


a character string specifying the path to the CDS file of interest (subject organism).


a character string specifying the sequence type stored in the input file. Options are are: "cds", "protein", or "dna". In case of "cds", sequence are translated to protein sequences, in case of "dna", cds prediction is performed on the corresponding sequences which subsequently are translated to protein sequences. Default is seq_type = "cds".


a character string specifying the file format of the sequence file, e.g. format = "fasta". Default is format = "fasta".


a character string specifying the BLAST algorithm that shall be used, option is: blast_algorithm = "blastp"


a numeric value specifying the E-Value cutoff for BLAST hit detection.

a numeric value specifying the number of aligned sequences to keep. Please be aware that selects best hits based on the database entry and not by the best e-value. See details here: .


a logical value indicating whether sequences with corrupt base triplets should be removed from the input file. This is the case when the length of coding sequences cannot be divided by 3 and thus the coding sequence contains at least one corrupt base triplet.


a boolean value specifying whether a remote BLAST search shall be performed. In case remote = TRUE, please specify the db argument. This feature is very experimental, since a query of only a few genes against NCBI nr database, can consume a lot of time and might cause response delay crashes in R.


a character string specifying the NCBI data base that shall be queried using remote BLAST. This parameter must be specified when remote = TRUE and is NULL by default.


a character string specifying the path to the BLAST program (in case you don't use the default path).


a numeric value specifying the number of cores that shall be used to run BLAST searches.


a character string listing the input parameters that shall be passed to the executing BLAST program. Default is NULL, implicating that a set of default parameters is used when running BLAST.


a boolean value specifying whether all internal folders storing the output of used programs shall be removed. Default is clean_folders = FALSE.


a path to the location were the BLAST output shall be stored. E.g. save.output = getwd() to store it in the current working directory, or save.output = file.path(put,your,path,here).


A data.table storing the BLAST hit table returned by BLAST.


This function provides a fast communication between R and BLAST+. It is mainly used as internal functions such as blast_best and blast_rec but can also be used to perform simple BLAST computations.

When using remote = TRUE, make sure you specify the db argument. The following databases can be chosen:


  • "nr"

  • "plaza"

Note: When working with remote BLAST, make sure you don't submit too large jobs due to the BLAST query conventions! All in all this functionality is still very experimental and can cause problems due to time out errors when submitting too large queries!


Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W. & Lipman, D.J. (1990) "Basic local alignment search tool." J. Mol. Biol. 215:403-410.

Gish, W. & States, D.J. (1993) "Identification of protein coding regions by database similarity search." Nature Genet. 3:266-272.

Madden, T.L., Tatusov, R.L. & Zhang, J. (1996) "Applications of network BLAST server" Meth. Enzymol. 266:131-141.

Altschul, S.F., Madden, T.L., Schaeffer, A.A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W. & Lipman, D.J. (1997) "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs." Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Zhang Z., Schwartz S., Wagner L., & Miller W. (2000), "A greedy algorithm for aligning DNA sequences" J Comput Biol 2000; 7(1-2):203-14.

Zhang, J. & Madden, T.L. (1997) "PowerBLAST: A new network BLAST application for interactive or automated sequence analysis and annotation." Genome Res. 7:649-656.

Morgulis A., Coulouris G., Raytselis Y., Madden T.L., Agarwala R., & Schaeffer A.A. (2008) "Database indexing for production MegaBLAST searches." Bioinformatics 15:1757-1764.

Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V., Ma N., Papadopoulos J., Bealer K., & Madden T.L. (2008) "BLAST+: architecture and applications." BMC Bioinformatics 10:421.


Hajk-Georg Drost and Sarah Scharfenberg


if (FALSE) {
# performing a BLAST search using blastp (default)
blast(query_file   = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      subject_file = system.file('seqs/ortho_lyra_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'))

# performing a BLAST search using blastp (default) using amino acid sequences as input file
blast(query_file   = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_aa.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      subject_file = system.file('seqs/ortho_lyra_aa.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      seq_type     = "protein")

# save the BLAST output table in your current working directory
blast(query_file   = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_aa.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      subject_file = system.file('seqs/ortho_lyra_aa.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      seq_type     = "protein",
      save.output  = getwd())

# in case you are working with a multicore machine, you can also run parallel
# BLAST computations using the comp_cores parameter: here with 2 cores
blast(query_file   = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      subject_file = system.file('seqs/ortho_lyra_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
      comp_cores   = 2)

 # running blastp using additional parameters
 blast(query_file   = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
       subject_file = system.file('seqs/ortho_lyra_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
       blast_params = "-max_target_seqs 1")

# running blastp using additional parameters and an external blastp path
 blast(query_file   = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
       subject_file = system.file('seqs/ortho_lyra_cds.fasta', package = 'orthologr'),
       blast_params = "-max_target_seqs 1", path = "path/to/blastp/")