In the Introduction vignette users learned how to
perform the most fundamental computations and visualizations for
phylotranscriptomics analyses using the myTAI
This Intermediate vignette introduces more detailed
analyses and more specialized techniques to investigate the observed
phylotranscriptomics patterns (TAI
, etc.) and introduces the statistical framework to
quantify the significance of observed phenomena.
- 1. Details: Flat Line Test
- 2. Details: Reductive Hourglass Test
- 3. Details: Reductive Early Conservation Test
- 4. Details: Reverse Hourglass Test
- 5. Data Transformation for log(TAI) and sqrt(TAI) patterns
Investigating the Statistical Significance of Phylotranscriptomic Patterns
Three methods have been proposed to quantify the statistical significance of the observed phylotranscriptomics patterns (Quint et al., 2012; Drost et al., 2015).
- Flat Line Test
- Reductive Hourglass Test
- Reductive Early Conservation Test
Here, we will build the test statistic of each test step by step so
that future modifications or new test statistics can be built upon the
existing methods implemented in the myTAI
Flat Line Test
The Flat Line Test is a permutation test quantifying the statistical significance of an observed phylotranscriptomic pattern. The goal is to detect any evolutionary signal within a developmental time course that significantly deviates from a flat line.
To build the test statistic we start with a standard
PhyloExpressionSet. The myTAI
package provides an example
PhyloExpressionSet named PhyloExpressionSetExample
# load an example PhyloExpressionSet stored in the myTAI package
# look at the standardized data set format
head(PhyloExpressionSetExample, 3)
Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 1 at1g01040.2 2173.635 1911.200 1152.555 1291.4224 1000.253 962.9772 1696.4274
2 1 at1g01050.1 1501.014 1817.309 1665.309 1564.7612 1496.321 1114.6435 1071.6555
3 1 at1g01070.1 1212.793 1233.002 939.200 929.6195 864.218 877.2060 894.8189
Users will observe that the first column of the
stores the Phylostratum
assignments of the corresponding genes. The permutation test is based on
random sampling of the Phylostratum assignment of genes. The underlying
assumption is that the TAI
profile of correctly assigned
Phylostrata is significantly deviating from TAI
based on randomly assigned Phylostrata.
# TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
3.229942 3.225614 3.107135 3.116693 3.073993 3.176511 3.390334
# Visualize the TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
p.value = FALSE )
Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
3.543700 3.573999 3.554707 3.543376 3.582905 3.562813 3.523409
# Visualize the TAI profile based on randomly assigned Phylostrata
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = randomPhyloExpressionSetExample,
p.value = FALSE )
Users will observe that the visual pattern of the correctly assigned
profile and the randomly assigned TAI
profile differ qualitatively.
Now we investigate the variance of the two observed patterns.
[1] 0.01147725
[1] 0.0004102549
We observe that the variance of the randomly assigned TAI profile is
much smaller than the variance of the correctly assigned TAI profile.
Here we use the variance to quantify the flatness of a given
TAI profile. In theory the variance of a perfect flat line would be
zero. So any TAI profile that is close to zero would resemble a flat
line. But how exactly are the variances of randomly assigned TAI
profiles distributed? For this purpose the bootMatrix()
function was implemented.
The bootMatrix()
takes an PhyloExpressionSet or
DivergenceExpressionSet as input and computes N TAI
profiles based on randomly assigned Phylostrata or
Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 3.578000 3.577732 3.552230 3.556756 3.555627 3.553580 3.510978
2 3.590339 3.564544 3.589012 3.598754 3.583721 3.597553 3.633530
3 3.615284 3.616286 3.569486 3.566816 3.575761 3.554789 3.601522
4 3.501172 3.506554 3.486261 3.491282 3.531536 3.541634 3.494997
5 3.450857 3.458339 3.447274 3.463692 3.444261 3.468433 3.497926
6 3.539454 3.543827 3.595298 3.588149 3.582898 3.588062 3.565487
Based on this booMatrix
we can compute the variance of
each random TAI profile.
# compute the variance of the random TAI profile for each row
variance_vector <- apply(randomTAIs, 1 , var)
# and visualize the distribution of variances
hist(variance_vector, breaks = 100)
Now it is interesting to see where we can find the variance of the correctly assigned TAI.
# variance of the TAI profile based on correctly assigned Phylostrata
var_real <- var(TAI(PhyloExpressionSetExample))
# visualize the distribution of variances
hist( x = c(variance_vector,var_real),
breaks = 100,
xlab = "variance",
main = "Histogram of variance_vector" )
# and plot a red line at the position where we can find the
# real variance
abline(v = var_real, lwd = 5, col = "red")
This plot illustrates that variances based on random TAI
profiles seem to have a smaller variance than the variance based on the
correct TAI
profile. To obtain a p-value that now
quantifies this difference, we need to fit the histogram of
with a specific probability
Visually it would be possible to choose a gamma distribution to fit
the histogram of variance_vector
. To validate this choice a
and Frey graph provided by the fitdistrplus package
can be used.
# install.packages("fitdistrplus")
# plot a Cullen and Frey graph
Based on the observation that a gamma distribution is a suitable fit
for variance_vector
, we can now estimate the parameters of
the gamma distribution that fits the data.
# estimate the parameters: shape and rate using 'moment matching estimation'
gamma_MME <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(variance_vector,distr = "gamma", method = "mme")
# estimate shape:
shape <- gamma_MME$estimate[1]
# estimate the rate:
rate <- gamma_MME$estimate[2]
# define an expression written as function as input for the curve() function
gamma_distr <- function(x){ return(dgamma(x = x, shape = shape, rate = rate)) }
# plot the density function and the histogram of variance_vector
curve( expr = gamma_distr,
xlim = c(min(variance_vector),max(c(variance_vector,var_real))),
col = "steelblue",
lwd = 5,
xlab = "Variances",
ylab = "Frequency" )
# plot the histogram of variance_vector
histogram <- hist(variance_vector,prob = TRUE,add = TRUE, breaks = 100)
# plot a red line at the position where we can find the real variance
abline(v = var_real, lwd = 5, col = "red")
Using the gamma distribution with estimated parameters the
corresponding p-value of var_real
can be computed.
# p-value of var_real
pgamma(var_real, shape = shape,rate = rate, lower.tail = FALSE)
Hence, the variance of the correct TAI profile significantly deviates from random TAI profiles and this allows us to assume that the underlying TAI profile captures a real evolutionary signal.
Using the FlatLineTest()
This entire procedure of computing the p-value having the variance of
TAI profiles as test statistic is done by the
# Perform the FlatLineTest
FlatLineTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
permutations = 1000 )
This function returns the p-value of the test statistic.
Additionally the FlatLineTest()
function allows to
investigate the goodness of the test statistic.
# perform the FlatLineTest and investigate the goodness of the test statistic
FlatLineTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
permutations = 1000,
plotHistogram = TRUE )
The plotHistogram
argument specifies whether analytics
plots shall be drawn to quantify the goodness of the test statistic
returned by the FlatLineTest
The three resulting plots show:
a histogram of the test statistic and the corresponding gamma distribution that was fitted to the test statistic
a plot showing the p-values (
) for 10 individual runs. Since the underlying test statistic is generated by a permutation test, the third plot returned byFlatLineTest()
shows the influence of different permutations to the corresponding p-value
In other words, to test whether or not the underlying permutation of
the permutation test is causing the significance of the p-value, you can
specify the runs
argument within the
function to perform several independent
runs. In case there exists a permutation that causes a previous
significant p-value to become non-significant, the corresponding
phylotranscriptomic pattern shouldn’t be considered as statistically
Reductive Hourglass Test
The Reductive Hourglass Test has been developed to statistically evaluate the existence of a phylotranscriptomic hourglass pattern based on TAI or TDI computations. The corresponding p-value quantifies the probability that a given TAI or TDI pattern (or any phylotranscriptomics pattern) does not follow an hourglass like shape. A p-value < 0.05 indicates that the corresponding phylotranscriptomics pattern does indeed follow an hourglass (high-low-high) shape.
To build the test statistic again we start with a standard PhyloExpressionSet.
Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 1 at1g01040.2 2173.635 1911.200 1152.555 1291.4224 1000.253 962.9772 1696.4274
2 1 at1g01050.1 1501.014 1817.309 1665.309 1564.7612 1496.321 1114.6435 1071.6555
3 1 at1g01070.1 1212.793 1233.002 939.200 929.6195 864.218 877.2060 894.8189
And again compute the TAI()
profile of the
# TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
3.229942 3.225614 3.107135 3.116693 3.073993 3.176511 3.390334
# visualize the TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
p.value = FALSE )
The Reductive Hourglass Test is a permutation test based on the following test statistic.
A set of developmental stages is partitioned into three modules -
, andlate
- based on prior biological knowledge (see Drost et al., 2015 for details).The mean TAI or TDI value for each of the three modules , , and are computed.
The two differences D1 = - and D2 = - are calculated.
The minimum of D1 and D2 is computed as final test statistic of the Reductive Hourglass Test.
In order to determine the statistical significance of an observed
minimum difference
the following permutation test was performed. Based on the
is calculated from each of the permuted TAI or TDI profiles,
approximated by a Gaussian distribution with method of moments estimated
parameters returned by fitdistrplus::fitdist()
, and the
corresponding p-value is computed by pnorm
given the
estimated parameters of the Gaussian distribution. The goodness of fit
for the random vector
is statistically quantified by a Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test
for normality.
To perform the Reductive Hourglass Test you can use
the ReductiveHourglassTest()
function. Using this function
you need to divide the given phylotranscriptomic pattern into three
developmental modules:
- early module
- mid module
- late module
This can be done using the modules
module = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7)
. In this
example (PhyloExpressionSetExample
) we divide the
corresponding developmental process into the three modules:
- early module: Stages 1 - 2 = Zygote and Quadrant
- mid module: Stages 3 - 5 = Globular, Heart, and Torpedo
- late module: Stages 6 - 7 = Bent and Mature
# Perform the Reductive Hourglass Test
ReductiveHourglassTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
modules = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7),
lillie.test = TRUE )
The corresponding output shows the p-value returned by the
Reductive Hourglass Test, the standard deviation of
randomly permuted TAI profiles returned by bootMatrix()
(apply(bootMatrix(PhyloExpressionSetExample) , 2 , sd)
) and
in case the argument lillie.test = TRUE
, a logical value
representing the goodness of fit statistic returned by the Lilliefors
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality. In case
the corresponding
Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test passed the goodness of fit
criterion. In case lillie.test
corresponding goodness of fit by a normal distribution is not
statistically significant.
Analogous to the plotHistogram
argument that is present
in the FlatLineTest()
function, the
function also takes an argument
. When plotHistogram = TRUE
, the
function returns a multi-plot
A Cullen and Frey skewness-kurtosis plot. This plot illustrates which distributions seem plausible to fit the resulting permutation vector . Here a normal distribution seems most plausible.
A histogram of combined with the density plot is visualized. is then fitted by a normal distribution. The corresponding parameters are estimated by moment matching estimation.
A plot showing the p-values for N independent runs to verify that a specific p-value is biased by a specific permutation order.
A bar plot showing the number of cases in which the underlying goodness of fit (returned by Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality) has shown to be significant (
) or not significant (FALSE
). This allows to quantify the permutation bias and their implications on the goodness of fit.
# perform the Reductive Hourglass Test and plot the test statistic
ReductiveHourglassTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
modules = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7),
plotHistogram = TRUE,
lillie.test = TRUE )
The corresponding output shows the summary statistics
the fitted normal distribution as well as the p-value, standard
deviation, and Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test result.
This example output nicely illustrates that although the Lilliefors
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality is violated for some
permutations, the Cullen and Frey graph shows that there is no better
approximation than a normal distribution (which is also supported
visually by investigating the fitted frequency distribution). The
corresponding p-value returned by ReductiveHourglassTest()
is significant and illustrates that the observed phylotranscriptomic
pattern of PhyloExpressionSetExample does follow the Hourglass Model
Reductive Early Conservation Test
The Early Conservation Test has been developed to statistically evaluate the existence of a monotonically increasing phylotranscriptomic pattern based on TAI or TDI computations. The corresponding p-value quantifies the probability that a given TAI or TDI pattern (or any phylotranscriptomic pattern) does not follow an early conservation like pattern. A p-value < 0.05 indicates that the corresponding phylotranscriptomics pattern does indeed follow an early conservation (low-high-high) shape.
To build the test statistic again we start with a standard PhyloExpressionSet.
# load an example PhyloExpressionSet stored in the myTAI package
# look at the standardized data set format
head(PhyloExpressionSetExample, 3)
And again compute the TAI()
profile of the
# TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
3.229942 3.225614 3.107135 3.116693 3.073993 3.176511 3.390334
# Visualize the TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
p.value = FALSE )
The reductive early conservation test is a permutation test based on the following test statistic.
A set of developmental stages is partitioned into three modules -
, andlate
- based on prior biological knowledge.The mean TAI or TDI value for each of the three modules , , and are computed.
The two differences D1 = - and D2 = - are calculated.
The minimum of D1 and D2 is computed as final test statistic of the Reductive Early Conservation Test.
In order to determine the statistical significance of an observed
minimum difference
the following permutation test was performed. Based on the
is calculated from each of the permuted TAI or TDI profiles,
approximated by a Gaussian distribution with method of moments estimated
parameters returned by fitdistrplus::fitdist()
, and the
corresponding p-value is computed by pnorm
given the
estimated parameters of the Gaussian distribution. The goodness of fit
for the random vector
is statistically quantified by an Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test
for normality.
To perform the Reductive Early Conservation Test you
can use the EarlyConservationTest()
function. Using this
function you need to divide the given phylotranscriptomics pattern into
three developmental modules:
- early module
- mid module
- late module
This can be done using the modules
module = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7)
. In this
example (PhyloExpressionSetExample
) we divide the
corresponding developmental process into the three modules:
- early module: Stages 1 - 2 = Zygote and Quadrant
- mid module: Stages 3 - 5 = Globular, Heart, and Torpedo
- late module: Stages 6 - 7 = Bent and Mature
# Perform the Reductive Early Conservation Test
EarlyConservationTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
modules = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7),
lillie.test = TRUE )
Analogous to the plotHistogram
argument that is present
in the FlatLineTest()
function, the
function also takes an argument
. When plotHistogram = TRUE
, the
function returns a multi-plot
A Cullen and Frey skewness-kurtosis plot. This plot illustrates which distributions seem plausible to fit the resulting permutation vector . Again a normal distribution seems most appropriate.
A histogram of combined with the density plot is visualized. is then fitted by a normal distribution. The corresponding parameters are estimated by moment matching estimation.
A plot showing the p-values for N independent runs to verify that a specific p-value is biased by a specific permutation order.
A bar plot showing the number of cases in which the underlying goodness of fit (returned by Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality) has shown to be significant (
) or not significant (FALSE
). This allows to quantify the permutation bias and their implications on the goodness of fit.
# perform the Reductive Early Conservation Test and plot the test statistic
EarlyConservationTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
modules = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7),
plotHistogram = TRUE,
lillie.test = TRUE )
This example output nicely illustrates that although the Lilliefors
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality is violated, the Cullen
and Frey graph shows that there is no better approximation than a
normal distribution (which is also supported visually by investigating
the fitted frequency distribution). The corresponding p-value returned
by the EarlyConservationTest()
is highly non-significant
and illustrates that the observed phylotranscriptomic pattern of
does not follow the Early
Conservation Model assumption.
This example shall illustrate that finding the right test statistic is a multi-step process of investigating different properties of the underlying permutation test. Although single aspects might fit or fit not corresponding criteria, the overall impression (sum of all individual analyses) must be considered to obtain a valid p-value.
Reverse Hourglass Test
The Reverse Hourglass Test has been developed to
statistically evaluate the existence of a
reverse hourglass pattern
based on TAI or TDI computations.
The corresponding p-value quantifies the probability that a given TAI or
TDI pattern (or any phylotranscriptomics pattern) does not follow an
reverse hourglass like shape. A p-value < 0.05 indicates that the
corresponding phylotranscriptomics pattern does indeed follow a reverse
hourglass (low-high-low) shape.
To build the test statistic again we start with a standard PhyloExpressionSet.
Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 1 at1g01040.2 2173.635 1911.200 1152.555 1291.4224 1000.253 962.9772 1696.4274
2 1 at1g01050.1 1501.014 1817.309 1665.309 1564.7612 1496.321 1114.6435 1071.6555
3 1 at1g01070.1 1212.793 1233.002 939.200 929.6195 864.218 877.2060 894.8189
And again compute the TAI()
profile of the
# TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
3.229942 3.225614 3.107135 3.116693 3.073993 3.176511 3.390334
# visualize the TAI profile of correctly assigned Phylostrata
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
p.value = FALSE )
The Reverse Hourglass Test is a permutation test based on the following test statistic.
A set of developmental stages is partitioned into three modules -
, andlate
- based on prior biological knowledge (see Drost et al., 2015 for details).The mean TAI or TDI value for each of the three modules , , and are computed.
The two differences D1 = - and D2 = - are calculated.
The minimum of D1 and D2 is computed as final test statistic of the Reverse Hourglass Test.
In order to determine the statistical significance of an observed
minimum difference
the following permutation test was performed. Based on the
is calculated from each of the permuted TAI or TDI profiles,
approximated by a Gaussian distribution with method of moments estimated
parameters returned by fitdistrplus::fitdist()
, and the
corresponding p-value is computed by pnorm
given the
estimated parameters of the Gaussian distribution. The goodness of fit
for the random vector
is statistically quantified by a Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test
for normality.
To perform the Reverse Hourglass Test you can use
the ReverseHourglassTest()
function. Using this function
you need to divide the given phylotranscriptomic pattern into three
developmental modules:
- early module
- mid module
- late module
This can be done using the modules
module = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7)
. In this
example (PhyloExpressionSetExample
) we divide the
corresponding developmental process into the three modules:
- early module: Stages 1 - 2 = Zygote and Quadrant
- mid module: Stages 3 - 5 = Globular, Heart, and Torpedo
- late module: Stages 6 - 7 = Bent and Mature
# Perform the Reverse Hourglass Test
ReverseHourglassTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
modules = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7),
lillie.test = TRUE )
[1] 1
[1] 0.05598325 0.05469016 0.05386737 0.05248817 0.05161525 0.05411684 0.05605765
[1] TRUE
The corresponding output shows the p-value returned by the
Reductive Hourglass Test, the standard deviation of
randomly permuted TAI profiles returned by bootMatrix()
(apply(bootMatrix(PhyloExpressionSetExample) , 2 , sd)
) and
in case the argument lillie.test = TRUE
, a logical value
representing the goodness of fit statistic returned by the Lilliefors
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality. In case
the corresponding
Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test passed the goodness of fit
criterion. In case lillie.test
corresponding goodness of fit by a normal distribution is not
statistically significant.
Analogous to the plotHistogram
argument that is present
in the FlatLineTest()
function, the
function also takes an argument
. When plotHistogram = TRUE
, the
function returns a multi-plot
A Cullen and Frey skewness-kurtosis plot. This plot illustrates which distributions seem plausible to fit the resulting permutation vector . Here a normal distribution seems most plausible.
A histogram of combined with the density plot is visualized. is then fitted by a normal distribution. The corresponding parameters are estimated by moment matching estimation.
A plot showing the p-values for N independent runs to verify that a specific p-value is biased by a specific permutation order.
A bar plot showing the number of cases in which the underlying goodness of fit (returned by Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality) has shown to be significant (
) or not significant (FALSE
). This allows to quantify the permutation bias and their implications on the goodness of fit.
# perform the Reverse Hourglass Test and plot the test statistic
ReverseHourglassTest( ExpressionSet = PhyloExpressionSetExample,
modules = list(early = 1:2, mid = 3:5, late = 6:7),
plotHistogram = TRUE,
lillie.test = TRUE )
The corresponding output shows the summary statistics
the fitted normal distribution as well as the p-value, standard
deviation, and Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test result.
This example output nicely illustrates that although the Lilliefors
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test for normality is violated for some
permutations, the Cullen and Frey graph shows that there is no better
approximation than a normal distribution (which is also supported
visually by investigating the fitted frequency distribution). The
corresponding p-value returned by ReverseHourglassTest()
significant and illustrates that the observed phylotranscriptomic
pattern of PhyloExpressionSetExample does follow the Hourglass Model
Data Transformation
Motivated by the discussion raised by Piasecka et al., 2013, the influence of gene expression transformation on the global phylotranscriptomic patterns does not seem negligible. Hence, different transformations can result in qualitatively different TAI or TDI patterns.
Initially, the TAI and TDI formulas were defined for absolute expression levels. So using the initial TAI and TDI formulas with transformed expression levels can result in qualitatively different patterns when compared with non-transformed expression levels, but might also belong to a different class of models, since different valid expression level transformation functions result in different patterns.
The purpose of the tf()
function is to allow the user to
study the qualitative impact of different transformation functions on
the global TAI and TDI pattern, or on any subsequent phylotranscriptomic
The examples using the PhyloExpressionSetExample
set show that using common gene expression transformation functions:
log2 (Quackenbush, 2001 and 2002), sqrt (Yeung et al., 2001), boxcox, or
inverse hyperbolic sine transformation, each transformation results in
qualitatively different patterns. Nevertheless, for each resulting
pattern the statistical significance can be tested using either the
, ReductiveHourglassTest()
, or
(Drost et al., 2015) to quantify
the significance of observed patterns.
The tf()
function takes a standard
or DivergenceExpressionSet
and transformation function and returns the corresponding
with transformed gene expression levels.
# a simple example is to transform the gene expression levels of a given PhyloExpressionSet
# using a sqrt or log2 transformation
PES.sqrt <- tf(PhyloExpressionSetExample, sqrt)
#> Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
#> 1 1 at1g01040.2 46.62226 43.71728 33.94930 35.93637 31.62678 31.03187 41.18771
#> 2 1 at1g01050.1 38.74292 42.62990 40.80820 39.55706 38.68230 33.38628 32.73615
#> 3 1 at1g01070.1 34.82517 35.11413 30.64637 30.48966 29.39759 29.61766 29.91352
#> 4 1 at1g01080.2 31.88919 30.60039 34.37060 36.46195 37.31813 35.88836 29.34724
#> 5 1 at1g01090.1 106.88576 129.53057 185.38244 199.43831 237.13197 258.80566 88.16213
#> 6 1 at1g01120.1 29.05239 28.06409 29.31939 30.52242 30.70579 29.50021 28.15589
Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 1 at1g01040.2 11.085894 10.900263 10.170620 10.334745 9.966149 9.911358 10.728284
2 1 at1g01050.1 10.551722 10.827588 10.701574 10.611727 10.547204 10.122367 10.065625
3 1 at1g01070.1 10.244117 10.267960 9.875289 9.860497 9.755251 9.776772 9.805452
4 1 at1g01080.2 9.989991 9.870956 10.206206 10.376639 10.443610 10.330888 9.750306
5 1 at1g01090.1 13.479852 14.034298 15.068722 15.279598 15.779093 16.031451 12.924174
6 1 at1g01120.1 9.721170 9.621306 9.747567 9.863595 9.880877 9.765307 9.630730
# in case a given PhyloExpressionSet already stores gene expression levels
# that are log2 transformed and need to be re-transformed to absolute
# expression levels, to perform subsequent phylotranscriptomics analyses
# (that are defined for absolute expression levels),
# one can re-transform a PhyloExpressionSet like this:
PES.absolute <- tf(PES.log2 , function(x) 2^x)
# which should be the same as PhyloExpressionSetExample :
> head(PhyloExpressionSetExample)
Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 1 at1g01040.2 2173.6352 1911.2001 1152.5553 1291.4224 1000.2529 962.9772 1696.4274
2 1 at1g01050.1 1501.0141 1817.3086 1665.3089 1564.7612 1496.3207 1114.6435 1071.6555
3 1 at1g01070.1 1212.7927 1233.0023 939.2000 929.6195 864.2180 877.2060 894.8189
4 1 at1g01080.2 1016.9203 936.3837 1181.3381 1329.4734 1392.6429 1287.9746 861.2605
5 1 at1g01090.1 11424.5667 16778.1685 34366.6493 39775.6405 56231.5689 66980.3673 7772.5617
6 1 at1g01120.1 844.0414 787.5929 859.6267 931.6180 942.8453 870.2625 792.7542
> head(PES.absolute)
Phylostratum GeneID Zygote Quadrant Globular Heart Torpedo Bent Mature
1 1 at1g01040.2 2173.6352 1911.2001 1152.5553 1291.4224 1000.2529 962.9772 1696.4274
2 1 at1g01050.1 1501.0141 1817.3086 1665.3089 1564.7612 1496.3207 1114.6435 1071.6555
3 1 at1g01070.1 1212.7927 1233.0023 939.2000 929.6195 864.2180 877.2060 894.8189
4 1 at1g01080.2 1016.9203 936.3837 1181.3381 1329.4734 1392.6429 1287.9746 861.2605
5 1 at1g01090.1 11424.5667 16778.1685 34366.6493 39775.6405 56231.5689 66980.3673 7772.5617
6 1 at1g01120.1 844.0414 787.5929 859.6267 931.6180 942.8453 870.2625 792.7542
When transforming the ExpressionMatrix
of the
using different transformation
functions, the resulting phylotranscriptomic patterns qualitatively
log2 transformation (TAI)
# plotting the TAI using log2 transformed expression levels
# and performing the Flat Line Test to obtain the p-value
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = tf(PhyloExpressionSetExample, log2),
TestStatistic = "FlatLineTest",
xlab = "Ontogeny",
ylab = "TAI" )
sqrt transformation (TAI)
# plotting the TAI using sqrt transformed expression levels
# and performing the Flat Line Test to obtain the p-value
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = tf(PhyloExpressionSetExample, sqrt),
TestStatistic = "FlatLineTest",
xlab = "Ontogeny",
ylab = "TAI" )
For the PhyloExpressionSetExample
all transformations
result in a significant phylotranscriptomics pattern deviating from a
flat line.
Nevertheless, it is not clear which transformation is the most appropriate one since the original TAI and TDI measure were defined for absolute expression levels.
The same accounts for TDI
log2 transformation (TDI)
# plotting the TDI using log2 transformed expression levels
# and performing the Flat Line Test to obtain the p-value
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = tf(DivergenceExpressionSetExample, log2),
TestStatistic = "FlatLineTest",
xlab = "Ontogeny",
ylab = "TDI" )
sqrt transformation (TDI)
# plotting the TDI using sqrt transformed expression levels
# and performing the Flat Line Test to obtain the p-value
PlotSignature( ExpressionSet = tf(DivergenceExpressionSetExample, sqrt),
TestStatistic = "FlatLineTest",
xlab = "Ontogeny",
ylab = "TDI" )
As a result, observed patterns should always be quantified using
statistical tests (for ex. FlatLineTest()
, and
). In case the observed pattern is
significant, qualitative differences of the observed patterns based on
different data transformations must be investigated in more detail,
since most data transformations are known to cause different effects on
a measure that isn’t robust against data transformations.
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