This function allows you to compute dnds maps between a query organism and a set subject organisms stored in the same folder. The corresponding dnds maps are then stored in an output folder.

  format = "fasta",
  ortho_detection = "DIAMOND-RBH",
  delete_corrupt_cds = FALSE,
  store_locally = FALSE,
  sensitivity_mode = "ultra-sensitive",
  out_format = "csv",
  evalue = "1E-5",
  max_target_seqs = 5000,
  cores = 1,
  hard_mask = TRUE,
  diamond_exec_path = NULL,
  add_makedb_options = NULL,
  add_diamond_options = NULL,
  min_qry_coverage_hsp = 50,
  min_qry_perc_identity = 10,
  aa_aln_type = "pairwise",
  aa_aln_tool = "NW",
  codon_aln_tool = "pal2nal",
  dnds_estimation = "Li",
  progress_bar = TRUE,
  diamond_hit_tables = file.path(output_folder, "diamond_hit_tables"),
  sep = ";",



a character string specifying the path to the CDS file of the query organism.


a character string specifying the path to the folder where CDS files of the subject organisms are stored.


a character string specifying the path to the folder where output dnds maps should be stored.


a character string specifying the file format of the sequence file, e.g. format = "fasta", format = "gbk". See import_proteome for more details.


a character string specifying the orthology inference method that shall be performed to detect orthologous genes. Options are:

  • ortho_detection ="DIAMOND-BH": DIAMOND unidirectional best hit.

  • ortho_detection = "DIAMOND-RBH": DIAMOND reciprocal/bidirectional best hit (default).


a logical value indicating whether sequences with corrupt base triplets should be removed from the input file. This is the case when the length of coding sequences cannot be divided by 3 and thus the coding sequence contains at least one corrupt base triplet.


a logical value indicating whether or not alignment files shall be stored locally rather than in tempdir().


specify the level of alignment sensitivity. The higher the sensitivity level, the more deep homologs can be found, but at the cost of reduced computational speed.

  • sensitivity_mode = "fast" : fastest alignment mode, but least sensitive (default). Designed for finding hits of >70

  • sensitivity_mode = "mid-sensitive" : fast alignments between the fast mode and the sensitive mode in sensitivity.

  • sensitivity_mode = "sensitive" : fast alignments, but full sensitivity for hits >40

  • sensitivity_mode = "more-sensitive" : more sensitive than the sensitive mode.

  • sensitivity_mode = "very-sensitive" : sensitive alignment mode.

  • sensitivity_mode = "ultra-sensitive" : most sensitive alignment mode (sensitivity as high as BLASTP).


a character string specifying the format of the file in which the DIAMOND results shall be stored. Available options are:

  • out_format = "pair" : Pairwise

  • out_format = "xml" : XML

  • out_format = "csv" : Comma-separated file


a character string specifying the e-value for DIAMOND based orthology inference that is performed in the process of dnds computations. Please use the scientific notation.


maximum number of aligned sequences that shall be retained. Please be aware that max_target_seqs selects best hits based on the database entry and not by the best e-value. See details here: .


number of computing cores that shall be used to perform parallelized computations.


shall low complexity regions be hard masked with TANTAN? Default is db_hard_mask = TRUE.


a path to the DIAMOND executable or conda/miniconda folder.


a character string specifying additional makedb options that shall be passed on to the diamond makedb command line call, e.g. add_make_options = "--taxonnames" (Default is add_diamond_options = NULL).


a character string specifying additional diamond options that shall be passed on to the diamond command line call, e.g. add_diamond_options = "--block-size 4.0 --compress 1 --no-self-hits" (Default is add_diamond_options = NULL).


minimum qcovhsp (= query coverage of the HSP) of an orthologous hit (a value between 1 and 100).


minimum perc_identity (= percent sequence identity between query and selected HSP) of an orthologous hit (a value between 1 and 100).


a character string specifying the amino acid alignement type: aa_aln_type = "multiple" or aa_aln_type = "pairwise". Default is aa_aln_type = "pairwise".


a character string specifying the program that should be used e.g. "clustalw".


a character string specifying the codon alignment tool that shall be used. Default is codon_aln_tool = "pal2nal". Right now only "pal2nal" can be selected as codon alignment tool.


a character string specifying the dnds estimation method, e.g. dnds_estimation = "Li" (default).


should a progress bar be shown. Default is progress_bar = TRUE.


a file path to a folder where DIAMOND hit tables internally generated with diamond_best_hits or diamond_reciprocal_best_hits will be stored.


a file separator that is used to store maps as csv file.


additional parameters that shall be passed to dnds.


Given a query organism and a set of subject organisms that are stored in the same folder, this function crawls through all subject organism and as a first step computes the pairwise dnds Maps between query and subject organism and as a second step stores the corresponding Map in an output folder.

See also


Hajk-Georg Drost


if (FALSE) { # running dnds across several species dnds_across_multiple_species( query = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'homologr'), subjects_folder = system.file('seqs/map_gen_example', package = 'homologr'), aa_aln_type = "pairwise", aa_aln_tool = "NW", codon_aln_tool = "pal2nal", dnds_estimation = "Li", output_folder = "homologr_dnds_maps", quiet = TRUE, cores = 1 ) # running dnds across several species using DIAMOND executable # path '/opt/miniconda3/bin/' dnds_across_multiple_species( query = system.file('seqs/ortho_thal_cds.fasta', package = 'homologr'), subjects_folder = system.file('seqs/map_gen_example', package = 'homologr'), diamond_exec_path = "/opt/miniconda3/bin/", aa_aln_type = "pairwise", aa_aln_tool = "NW", codon_aln_tool = "pal2nal", dnds_estimation = "Li", output_folder = "homologr_dnds_maps", quiet = TRUE, cores = 1 ) }