This function allows to quantify the statistical significance of a given pairwise alignment between a query and subject sequence based on a sampled score distribution returned by randSeqDistr.

  fit_distr = "norm",
  gof = FALSE,
  comp_cores = 1



a character vector storing a sequence as string for which random sequences shall be computed.


a character vector storing a subject sequence as string to which seq shall be pairwise aligned.


a numeric value specifying the number of random sequences that shall be returned.


a pairwise alignment function such as pairwiseAlignment or any other function that takes sequence arguments as first and second input.


additional arguments that shall be passed to FUN.


a character string specifying the probability distribution that shall be fitted to the histogram of scores returned by randSeqDistr. See fitdist when method = "mme" for details. A special case is fit_distr = "simple". This way simply the relative frequency of random scores that are greater than the real alignment score is returned as p-value.


a logical value specifying whether or not godness of fit measures shall be printed to the console.


a numeric value specifying the number of cores you want to use for multicore processing.


a p-value quantifying the statistical significance of the pairwise alignment of the input sequences.


The test statistic is developed using moment matching estimation of a given probability distribution that is fitted to the alignment score vector returned by randSeqDistr. The corresponding distribution parameters are estimated by the fitdist and the p-value quantifying the statistical significance of the pairwise alignment of the input sequences is returned.

The following distributions can be fitted to the alignment score distribution:

A special case is fit_distr = "simple". This way simply the relative frequency of random scores that are greater than the real alignment score is returned as p-value.

See also


seq_example <- "MEDQVGFGF" subject_example <- "AYAIDPTPAF" # evaluate alignment p_val_align <- evalAlignment(seq_example, subject_example, 10, Biostrings::pairwiseAlignment, scoreOnly=TRUE, fit_distr = "norm", comp_cores = 1)