This function takes an adjacency matrix representing a gene regulatory network and builds a dendrogram based on the stength of gene interactions

plot_network_dendrogram(adj_mat, dist_method = "euclidean")



an adjacency matrix to plot the dendrogram from.


method to be used to calculate distances Default is euclidean.


Sergio Vasquez and Hajk-Georg Drost


# path to PPCOR output file ppcor_output <- system.file('beeline_examples/PPCOR/outFile.txt', package = 'edgynode') # import PPCOR specific output ppcor_parsed <- ppcor(ppcor_output) # rescale matrix ppcor_rescaled <- network_rescale(ppcor_parsed)
#> It seems like your input matrix contains values of correlation coefficients range(-1,1). Please be aware that for negative values the absolute value will be taken before rescaling. We transformed all negative values to their absolute values.
# plot dendrogram plot_network_dendrogram(ppcor_rescaled)