This function parses the standard output generated by the BEELINE tool PIDC.




a file path to the PIDC output file generated by BEELINE.


Sergio Vasquez and Hajk-Georg Drost


# path to PIDC output file pidc_output <- system.file('beeline_examples/PIDC/outFile.txt', package = 'edgynode') # import PIDC specific output pidc_parsed <- pidc(pidc_output)
#> Repairing names...
#> New names: #> * `` -> ...1 #> * `` -> ...2 #> * `` -> ...3 #> * `` -> ...4 #> * `` -> ...5 #> * ...
# look at output head(pidc_parsed)
#> UGR WT1mKTS GATA4 WT1pKTS FOXL2 DMRT1 DKK1 #> UGR NA 1.6981356 1.7419339 0.9328237 0.5833557 0.5394874 0.4875994 #> WT1mKTS 1.6981356 NA 1.9492986 1.7285506 0.4257225 0.3675658 0.4222820 #> GATA4 1.7419339 1.9492986 NA 1.5211502 0.3248479 0.2710701 0.5039969 #> WT1pKTS 0.9328237 1.7285506 1.5211502 NA 1.9380037 1.1064496 1.1142675 #> FOXL2 0.5833557 0.4257225 0.3248479 1.9380037 NA 1.0208649 0.9988726 #> DMRT1 0.5394874 0.3675658 0.2710701 1.1064496 1.0208649 NA 1.9335954 #> RSPO1 CTNNB1 WNT4 NR0B1 SRY NR5A1 DHH #> UGR 1.0550622 0.9081777 0.8541194 1.3069457 0.8014759 0.8717131 0.2615545 #> WT1mKTS 0.4302253 0.3610701 0.4703146 0.9112473 0.3459958 1.2281750 0.1499480 #> GATA4 0.6075879 0.5885704 0.7093712 1.1209276 0.3217279 1.2313751 0.2234883 #> WT1pKTS 1.6302553 1.7376486 0.9965633 0.9123949 1.6907037 1.8385828 0.3444927 #> FOXL2 1.7825687 1.8449245 1.4937821 1.2336704 1.5203266 1.8513456 0.4433224 #> DMRT1 0.4809264 1.3579193 0.9141091 0.1685123 1.8693122 0.2032254 1.4674785 #> PGD2 AMH FGF9 SOX9 CBX2 #> UGR 0.19641000 0.25821112 0.2141864 0.2722022 1.9952165 #> WT1mKTS 0.45683241 0.08391267 0.1036291 0.3939993 1.6591269 #> GATA4 0.07440499 0.13321898 0.1181354 0.2289278 1.5500483 #> WT1pKTS 0.34194065 0.42162686 0.3886432 0.7100558 0.9478118 #> FOXL2 0.49867316 0.49069906 0.4985856 0.6425182 1.0763603 #> DMRT1 1.46334430 1.46118868 1.4877271 1.7196495 0.6571565